The Top Shelf Wife
Dr. Angela Carswell
Ratgeber / Lebensdeutung
21st Century women are our foremother's wildest dreams. Accomplished. Entrepreneurial. Well-traveled. Progressive. Independent.
How can I also fold in the femininity of drawing others to me with nurturing softness and a supportive spirit? A Top Shelf Wife is an inspirational woman and wife that impacts the community. It's more than being an 'influencer'. It's about EXPERIENCING who I am and speaking to the hearts of men, children, and people I encounter authentically.
This book will help expand the woman I am into the inspiring wife I yearn to be with two dozen references from science, documentary, biography & spiritual texts like neuroscientist Huberman Labs, Netflix: The Mind Explained, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama, and Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, among others.
Throughout this workbook, we will:
- Receive traditional references that outline the five nurturing and support skills of women.
- Understand the skill areas and specific tasks to practice and choose whether or not to fold them into my daily expansion.
- Assess strengths and challenges, then choose areas of focus.
- Analyze the three core gifts of men and how my skills can add valuable balance to a "best man."
- Look into the "Dating Mirror" to continue expanding while experiencing men.
This workbook will authentically guide me in finding a way to shine my light brightly. A more vibrant spirit, husband, family, partnerships, and community impact await the other side.
My gifts to you are:
- a Q & A section that gets many things out in the open upfront.
- margins and white space where you are welcome to write 'ahaa' notes, questions, or execution ideas that come to mind.
- a survey that analyzes your efficacy in the five categories discussed in this book.
- three suggestions for action after each chapter will build momentum, move the mindset into life, and "imagine from" the life you truly desire.
- lined spaces are where notes, reflections, and reactions belong after each chapter.
- over 100 love-it-or-leave-it experiences that will lead you forward with authenticity.
- encouragement to involve a loving village in the process.
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