M.D. Shivcharran Hulasie
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
"Oddities, A One Act Resolution" is a mind-trip in Spirit and Trial. Surreal.
Absurd. Silly. A Stranger overwhelmed by Melancholia and Mirth. A drifter split by emotional calamity, whispering and wishing for Closure with the healing voices of Six Archetypes. A longing to end his world. A world without meaning. A world without mending. A desperate ache for content in a gaping abrasion that is not gently daubed with salve and salvation.
The shriek of a Plea that is not heard in a delusional vacuum of drunkenness, slurring and incomprehensible babbles, and a shaking, deadly fist outward and upwards toward the Universe. The Founder is a nomad torn by grim desperation to cease or to seek a novice Livelihood once brimming with innocence. Nurtured by the Androgynous hands of six extended palms with wish and wit and wisdom. Restless suicide is an irritable homicide of the discontented Spirit. To the releasing soar and be happy, joyous, free. The Founder wishes to end loneliness on the breaking shores of madness and sadness. Somewhere in Time is the fierce yet fragile Iron Maiden, Donut, who is Cavalier, who is Riot, who is Somber, who is Passive, who is Ponder.
Hacked. Healed. Sad. Serene. Nonetheless, Love is Love. Closure comes when the Voices are hushed by a soft whisper which soothes a madness that pretends in excess to be deus ex machina when it is the ghost in the Machine.
Ethereal promise of Equilibrium, which is the Now: his poised Feet.
Stranger, Healing, Oddities