Laura Turok-Ellis
Ratgeber / Familie
Synopsis: Shockey lives with three sisters and his father and the family has never stayed in one place more than a few months. Finally, an opportunity arises for the family that Shockey's father can't resist, and once again, they move, only this time, they are going to live in a motel! Add to that the reappearance of Shockey's come-and-go mother and a family secret that threatens to destroy everyone and you have teen-age angst to the nth degree!
Autobiography: Laura Turok-Ellis graduated from Western Kentucky University and headed into the world of journalism where she languished for twenty years as a copy editor, editorial assistant, sometimes feature writer and photographer and finally a special sections editor. She is currently working with early childhood education classes at the high school level. She has written for a number of newspapers and magazines and is now content to write for those who enjoy reading.
Family struggles, Teen angst, Teenage drama, Family secret, Mother's return, Sibling relationships, Family dynamics, Shockey, Coming-of-age story, Motel living, Father-daughter relationship, Nomadic lifestyle