Barry Hopper
Schule und Lernen / Nachschlagewerke
You hold in your hands a precious gem, multifaceted and radiant. That gem is your body - the prism through which you experience the world. Are you treating it with the reverence it deserves?
Ever felt like your mind is a mischievous monkey, swinging from one thought to another? It's a bit like that - unpredictable and sometimes even tricky. But don't worry, you can be the boss of your mind, just like a ringmaster in a circus. By paying attention and finding smart solutions, you can tackle the challenges your mind throws your way.
You'll discover:
- The limitations of willpower and why it often fails us in the long run
- The power of your subconscious mind as a limitless reservoir of potential
- The science of mirror neurons and how they influence your subconscious learning
- Practical strategies for reprogramming your subconscious for positive change
- How to leverage the power of visualization, affirmations, and hypnosis to rewrite your subconscious code
After learning and understanding these processes thoroughly, one can start realizing the results with the best-ever efficiency of inner and outer connections. You become a dynamic, unstoppable, magical, and magnetic powerhouse. You can surely learn to trust your purpose in life in perfect harmony with the truly effective subtle principles of the universe for the outcome you desire for yourself and the greatest good of all stakeholders.
Reference Success Habits, Create Their Own Brilliant Future Education &, Successful people think mindset is important New Age New Thought, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Personal Spiritual Growth, Success Targets Increase Profits and Scale Their management supporting, Secrets to Transform Your Mindset Motivational Self-Help Occult Occultism, The Magic of Believing The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, create a Win Plan that ensures that you have covered every success