Hidden Hills
Cheryl Knoll
Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik
I know there are others like me who also have some hidden hills in their life. Some uphill climbs, some downhill slides. Occasionally you may look back to see how far you have come. There are also some beautiful things in those hills, some weariness, some lost loves. Someone we loved always stays in those hills. People come and go in our hills. We seem to come upon patches of flowers we admire and some we choose. Then there are the birds. So many beautiful birds. Two of my favorite things, flowers, and birds so I turned them into words, and I did not want to hide them in the hills. I put them out there. We grow through our experiences in our hidden hills, and we are better for what we have been through. God is always with us on our journey so feel free to reach out to him when you need a hand. His hands are always reaching out to you. God is not hiding in the hidden hills. He is everywhere for everyone who is looking for him. What is in your hidden hills?
Nature, Cheryl Knoll, Rural Living, Personal Growth, Hidden Hills by Cheryl Knoll, Poetry, Spirituality, Cheryl, Knoll, Life Challenges, Flowers, Inspirational, Hidden Hills, Life Journey, Emotional Healing, Self-Reflection, Birds, God's Presence, Inner Strength, Personal Experiences