Beware of the Undertow
David Woods
As founder and Pastor of the Yes Lord Deliverance Church of God in Christ, Inc. since 1996 and the Pastor of Port St. Joe Church of God in Christ, Inc. since 2004, the Holy Spirit has brought many great revelations to David! s heart about avoiding some of the pitfalls in starting a new ministry and maintaining an existing ministry. These pitfalls are described as the undertow. Being raised in the Church and growing up in Panama City, Florida predominately by a single mother. David! s experienced along with preaching the gospel since September 15, 1988 will inform, inspire, and encourage all who read this book with the details of the struggles and also time tested answers as to how to overcome the struggles with Biblical references. ae Do you struggle with the failures of the past? ae Has family crisis destroyed your self-worth and self-esteem? ae Do you now who you are in Christ and what is His will for your life? ae Did you grow up in the Church but the Church did not grow up in you? ae Can you find your place in ministry? ae Is disunity destroying your vision? Learn how to turn your past into your praise. Learn how to look at God! s purpose for allowing certain issues as the mechanism that changed and impacted your life most. Learn how to overcome the love of pleasure, the love of money, and the love of self. Learn how to follow a vision so you can be trusted with a vision. Learn how to subdue the earth according to God! s original plan for man.