True Friends, A Revolutionary Approach to Cultivating Conscious Feminine Friendships
Rochonda Ferrelli
Ratgeber / Familie
For conscious women who are seeking more intimate friendships with other like-minded women, True Friends provides guidance on how to take radical responsibility so that you can begin to cultivate authentic friendships that are deeply connected and more meaningful for your personal development journey. True Friends provides stories, examples, and exercises to help you become more aware of how you are unconsciously contributing to the disconnection you experience with other women and exactly what you need to do to put an end to your "super cycles" once and for all. This revolutionary approach will change how you view yourself and how you relate to other women so that you can begin to create true frientimacy that lasts. As the world continues experiencing an uprising of feminine power around the globe, true friendships between women are needed now more than ever.
adult friends, radical responsibility, conscious, frientimacy, women, friendship, friends, best friends, self help