Why Did He Die?
Ratgeber / Familie
Ahonu’s baby was found dead in his crib. There was no sound, no struggle. The postmortem failed to show an adequate cause of death. This 3-part series is the desperate story of a father’s grief, and his struggle with the aftermath of loss and guilt. It reveals the author’s truth about death, and ironically, how it revealed his life’s purpose. Join Ahonu on this epic voyage, from the pain and sorrow of a father’s grief, to the new world of forgiveness and twin flame love. If grief, sadness, suicide, depression, loss or abandonment have touched you, this book may help you make sense of life and death and help you find who you are and why you are here!
sids, cot death, crib death, Why Did He Die, sudden infant death syndrome, baby death causes, sudden death syndrome prevention, prevent sudden infant death syndrome, grief, loss, depression, abandonment, true story, who am I, why am I here,