Unleashing Dyslexia
Dr. T. Durant Fleming
Schule und Lernen / Förder- / Sonderschule
Unleashing Dyslexia is a book written by a dyslexic specifically for parents of dyslexics. This is not a book about "enduring dyslexia," it is a book about "unleashing dyslexia." This project was five years in the making and is designed for parents to help their child step into their dyslexia, to authentically experience and explore their unique way of seeing and experiencing the world. This book is about fanning the flames of a dyslexic young person's curiosity, creativity, and passion.
Unleashing Dyslexia is about encouraging your child's dyslexia by helping them discover a personalized endeavor that fuels their imaginations, propel them into genuine curiosity, and foster internally-motivated learning. Each chapter concludes with practical questions for reflection and for further discussion with other parents. When a dyslexic young person passionately embraces something that produces genuine wonder and joy, they can become almost unstoppable.
parent aid, Dyslexia, for dyslexics by dyslexics, fueling imaginations, exploring diversity, personalized teaching tools for dyslexia, motivated learning tools