Dr. Marni Hill Foderaro
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
Realizing that you have endured Domestic Violence, Narcissistic Abuse, Parental Alienation and/or Intergenerational Family Trauma, and finding the words to help you understand and articulate what you’ve been through can be exceptionally challenging. Language has the power to hurt, but language also has the power to heal. This unique and ingenious reference book, “TRUE DECEIT FALSE LOVE: Simple Explanations for Complex Terms” is a must-have resource. The vocabulary helps you connect-the-dots to your own experiences and can be extremely therapeutic on your Healing Journey. In time, the Abuser’s Mask Slips and with your own research and reflection, you will come to understand the truth, find your Survivor’s Voice and reclaim your life.
Parental Alienation, Glossary, Domestic Violence, healing, Reference, Terminology, Intergenerational Family Trauma, survivor, Narcissistic Abuse, TRUE DECEIT FALSE LOVE, victim