The Anti-Suicide Book For Christians
Darnell L. Sherman MS AMFT
Ratgeber / Partnerschaft, Sexualität
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2022, there were a total of 49,449 successful suicide attempts reported in America. In 2021 suicide was the second leading cause of death for individuals between 10 and 34 years of age. It appears the Covid-19 pandemic is being replaced with a pandemic of hopelessness. The Anti-Suicide Book for Christians explores how individuals and especially Christians, may find meaning in suffering, and experience a fellowship with Jesus Christ in his suffering and resurrection, and embrace life, love, truth and a faith which transcends this mortal existence.
Suicide, Joy, Christian, Psychology, Darnell Sherman, Philosophy, Fulfillement, Meaning, Poetry, Jesus Christ, Darnell, Death, Spirituality, Life, Sherman