Goodbye Motherhood, Hello Me!
Melanie Hope
Ratgeber / Familie
A mom is always a mom, whether she has an infant, a teen, or a middle-aged son or daughter. From the moment her kids are born, she will always be concerned about their well-being. She will perform the mother's role forever, always worrying about them, no matter their age. Even though my kids are adults now, I still keep my cell phone on the bedside table when I sleep at night, just in case they need me. It's an old habit, but I can't help it. There is no proven need for that, and I shouldn't be their emergency response in the middle of the night, but still…I am a mom to the core. Even though every mom wants her kids to mature, grow up, and find their path in life, it's not easy to embrace their independence. They will choose to do things their own way, which in her eyes might seem reckless, dubious, or risky, in other words, built on sand. As a result, she scrambles to find peace of mind over their choices in life. But she can still have a quality life and enjoy happiness, no matter what is going on in her kids' lives. She simply needs to pick a different tactic.
life purpose, happy mom, Problematic child, adult children, fulfillment