Stephen Dravin
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Allgemeines, Lexika
"This is laymen-like Introduction to a little known kind of IRS approved supplemental retirement savings strategy that can offer a way to avoid what we call "the 7 deadly sins" common to most traditional retirement plans. The strategy should resonate with a wide range of audiences, from business owners, to the affluent - and even to middle income folks. We'll show how this strategy compares on an array of benefits to IRAs, the 401(k), the Roth and non qualified investment approaches as well. This book is intended for those who are earnestly trying to accumulate their retirement 'nest egg' yet may feel thwarted by obstacles inherent in a plan's restrictions. These restrictions can be income restrictions, contribution limits, the lack of liquidity, plan costs and market risks. For business owners in particular- who typically do not have any plan in place - the solution we suggest, offers an even wider set of positives and fewer negatives. While not a pure 'how to' book, we will give you enough "ammunition'' to help ensure you can work with the proper advisor to craft a custom solution that maximizes your future retirement income and legacy too. If you wonder why this solution is largely unknown, you'll will learn some financial industry's 'dirty little secrets."
Business & Economics, Personal Finance, Retirement Planning