The Influence of Babylon
Leon Daniels
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Religion/Theologie
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asked receives; and he that seek, will find: and to him that knock it shall be opened. What happens when goodness begins to decay in the world? How does a Christian hold onto their values in times of moral decay? Equal parts urgent and pressing, The Influence of Babylon directs Christians who may unknowingly be swayed by doctrines not rooted in scripture. Elucidated in gentle yet stern prose, this powerful book challenges readers to look beyond the words of ministers and to turn to the Bible itself for truth and guidance. Let go of all false idols, and embrace a personal connection with God, seeking divine wisdom directly through humble prayer. In the midst of decay and ruin, please go to your private place and pray in secret. In the quaint humility of solitude is where God will shower you with his mercy and bounty.
Provocative and Iconoclastic, The Influence of Babylon, Controversial