Classroom of Humanity
L. Barbara Brigaglia
Schule und Lernen / Grundschule
This book is a guide to accompany young people (and not only) to get to know themselves and discover their Humanity in all its potential. It is a guide to explore one's inner world to "meet" one's parts of shadow and those of light , to recognize one's consciousness, to "re- discover" and use responsibly one's creative power through thoughts words and actions; it will also explore the importance of the "here and now" and much more. The book begins by presenting what could be the "New World" through the imaginative story of Teo who in a dream meets his beloved Native friends who live at the North Pole: Pink Moon and Grandmother Selene; they will tell how they live in a daily life where it is Humanity that expresses and creates their world and their reality. Teo decides that every child must know these opportunities and will write everything he learned from the Natives during his journey in the world of dreams. We will talk about respect , empathy, love. We will travel in the "inner world to know the "black wolf" and the "white wolf" within us. We will discover the creative power of words thoughts and actions. Furthermore, topics such as healthy and respectful life habits for everyone will be covered. Together with the content , there is a diary of thirty- three activities that will allow you to explore your emotions, mind, and consciousness, and to stimulate curiosity and imagination. For this reason "Classroom of Humanity" is suitable as a cooperation activity with the family and with classmates and provides the right topics to create creative discussions reflections and sharing.
young adults, life journey, personal growth, inner development, daily inspiration, new beginnings