Md. Kausar Alam, Toseef Azid, Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad, et al.
World Scientific Publishing Company
Sachbuch / Gesellschaft
This book describes the theories related to corporate and Shariah governance frameworks of the global Islamic finance industry. It provides the conceptual models of Shariah governance and global Shariah governance systems. It also provides their historical background of development. The book illustrates the steps taken by the regulatory authorities in different countries. As there is a shortage of books on Shariah governance in comparison to corporate governance. This book attempts to fill the gap by describing theories related to corporate and Shariah governance frameworks of the global Islamic finance industry. It provides conceptual models of Shariah governance and global Shariah governance systems and their historical background of development. The book illustrates steps taken by the regulatory authorities in different countries. This book differentiates itself from similar books by providing comprehensive information on overall governance systems, theories and global corporate governance models. Written in a simple and accessible manner, this book will appeal to academia and industry practitioners in Islamic finance.
- Corporate Governance Systems of Financial Institutions
- Corporate Governance Concept from an Islamic Perspective
- Theoretical Explanation of Shariah Governance
- Historical Development of Shariah Governance and International Standard-Setting Agencies
- Shariah Governance Framework in Islamic Banks
- Shariah Governance System
- Model of Shariah Supervisory Board and Its Functions
- Shariah Risk Management and Compliance System
- Shariah Audit System
- Shariah Reporting and Disclosure System
Readership: Financial experts, academics, post graduate students of Economics, Management and Accounting, researchers and practitioners in Shariah governance.
Dr Md. Kausar Alam works as an Assistant Professor at BRAC Business School, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He completed his PhD from the Department of Finance and Accounting, School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He completed his MBA & BBA from the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Jagannath University Dhaka. He published numerous articles and book chapters in several international journals in accounting, finance, and Islamic finance. His research works have been published in Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Asian Review of Accounting, Pacific Accounting Review, Journal of Public Affairs, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, International Journal of Ethics and Systems, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Science, Heliyon, Applied Economics, Asian Journal of Accounting Research, PSU Research Review, Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy and Asian Economic and Financial Review. His research interest areas are Accounting, Islamic Accounting, Shariah governance, integrating reporting, institutional theory, Islamic banking, corporate governance, legitimacy theory, legitimacy, working capital, and Islamic social finance governance. He already published more than 50 research articles and three book chapters. Some of his research works are in progress with reputed international journals. He received research grants from Brac Business School.Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad was an Associate Professor at Islamic Economic Institute in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, and currently working as Adjunct Professor in Guidance College, Texas, USA. He has published peer-reviewed refereed journal articles, books, chapters in edited books, conference proceedings on Shariah compliance of Islamic banks' products and structures, Islamic economics, the opportunities and challenges of Islamic finance, case studies of Islamic banks and financial institutions, Islamic insurance and reinsurance, Islamic microfinance, Sukuk, dispute resolution in Islamic banking and finance, among others. He presented papers at international conferences in the USA, Ireland, Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Brunei, Qatar, Sudan, Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan. His current editorial roles include serving as founding editor, senior editor, editorial advisory board member of international journals including some of those published by the Emerald Group Publishing (UK).Toseef Azid is a professor of Economics at the College of Business and Economics, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. He holds a PhD in Economics from University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK (1993) and Masters in Economics from Quaid-i-Azam University (1979). He received COT Scholarship from government of Pakistan to study at UCW, Overseas Research Scholarship from the British government, and a Fulbright Award Scholar in Residence (2006), where he worked on a research project on 'Economics of Middle Eastern Countries'. He taught at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education UK (2005–2006, 2007, and 2012), as well as in Pakistan, Brunei, UK, USA, and Saudi Arabia. His research focuses on technological change, development economics, labor economics, Islamic economics, and Islamic finance. He published more than 60 papers in local and international journals. He participated in several conferences held in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bahrain, Qatar, and Pakistan. His published books include: Some Basic Principles of Islamic Economics (Pakistan), Labor in Islamic Setting: Theory and Practice and Social Justice and Islamic Economics: Theory, Issues and Practice (UK) and Corporate and Shari'ah Governance in the Muslim World: Theory and Practice, which was published by Emerald Group Publishing (UK).Eiman Khaleel Al Hashmi is currently an assistant professor in College of Humanities and Social Science, Zayed university in UAE. She received her PhD with first class honors with distinction in 'Investment of Zakat and its role in development of the Islamic world' from Cairo University, Dar Aloluom college, (Egypt) with excellent with highest honor. (2012). Eiman published a book titled The provisions of Zakat and its latest developments: A contemporary scientific study and a number of papers in referred journals, including: How to eliminate poverty by Zakat, Difference of contemporary Fiqh council's resolutions on Zakat fund investment is a diversity difference or antagonism difference and Fiqh councils between the agreement and disagreement, images of contemporary usury transactions. She also participated in a range of forums on Islamic economics and finance. She presented various academic research-based papers at several national and international conferences. Her research activities are currently Waqf (endowment), Maqasid al-Shari'ah (legitimate purposes), Zakat, Islamic Shari'ah.