The Dutch School - Drawing & Painting Lessons, and the Secret of the Old Masters
Jennie Smallenbroek
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
This book exists in three parts:
Part 1: Personal development.
Part 2: Drawing lessons.
Part 3: Painting lessons.
When you start painting, your personal development positively affects your entire life. You will experience people, animals, and things around you differently because your perception changes. With the practical exercises from this book, you will learn to draw and paint very well and experience the world more intensively.
After reading this book, you will gain more knowledge of the different painting techniques and become more aware of the different psychological phases you go through.
classical drawing, portrait painting, how to teach painting, classical painting, drawing lessons, drawing, learn to draw, how to teach drawing, learn to paint, Painting, painting lessons, old masters, bargue drawing