A Relational Response to Climate Change
Calum Samuelson
Sachbuch / Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft
About Relationships and Climate ChangeThe challenge of climate change is one of the defining issues the world is facing at the start of the 2020s. It has mobilised a whole new generation of social activists, some of whom are going to extreme lengths to confront the public and especially political leaders with the threat that climate change makes to their future and the planet as a whole.Arguments about the causes of climate change are usually underpinned by the assumption that more human beings living on the planet are inevitably bad for the environment and climate. However, a careful biblical reflection on these issues yields a more nuanced and hopeful view, and this report seeks to stimulate fresh conversations about how best to respond to Climate Change now and in the future.
Economy, environment, Relationships. family, Climate change, Relational thinking