The Path
Belletristik / Lyrik, Dramatik
We all have experienced beauty in our lives and many have also known sorrow, but on the path we realize that all we have been through has only been to guide and prompt us to progress. These poems often speak of the challenges we face each day when we make the final and irreversible decision to follow the light. If one or two of these poems resonate with you I will be pleased for they come to me in various moments, times of deep peace, times of inner concentration and in times of stress, but I always feel behind them the grace of Sri Aurobindo pouring through this unworthy soul his gifts. As usual, I take credit only for the errors in reception.
Richard Eggenberger (Narad) is a highly regarded poet, writer, opera singer, horticulturist and videographer. His thousands of videos may be seen on his websites motherandsriaurobindo and Richard Eggenberger. His more than fifty books include 'The Handbook on Plumeria Culture' and 'The Handbook on Oleanders'. He is also the author of the ten volume series - 'Inspiration from Savitri', Sri Aurobindo's magnum opus, as well as the books 'Homage to the Service Tree', 'Roses for the Soul', 'Flowers for the Soul', 'Gardening for the Soul', 'Lexicon of an Infinite Mind', the 'Supplement to the Lexicon', 'The Descent of a New Music' and numerous volumes of homages to great people, as well as twenty books of poetry. Narad came to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry from his physical home in America in 1961 to his spiritual home, India, where he now resides.
The Mother, Literature, Sri Aurobindo, Poetry, Auroville, poets