Agriculture (For ICAR JRF and Competitive Examinations)
T. Arumugam
The book AGRICULTURE (ICAR JRF and competitive examinations) is written based on the syllabus for ICAR JRF examinations. Mainly this book covers the general aspects of Agriculture, which is common for all the major subject groups of JRF examinations. The book is written in a simple language and lucid manner. This book covers exclusive information on different fields of Agriculture. This is a mind changing book which transforms one's perception on Agriculture. This book covers elaborative content in agriculture, much useful to for students preparing for ICAR JRF / SRF examinations besides the book also useful candidates preparing for other competitive examinations viz., UPSC/ Civil service examinations and state civil service examinations. This book will be an asset to get all possible information from single source, which can ease out their preparation and save time.