Soil Science
Hemlata Pant
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Landwirtschaft, Gartenbau
The book contains chapters on: Introduction, Functions of Soils, Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Soils, Concepts and Role of Soils, Soil Taxonomies, Effect of Ecological Factors and Soil Properties on the Soil Fertility, Soil Sciences Aspects of Nutrient Supply, Effect of Anthropogenic Factors on the Soil Properties, Degradation Processes in Soil, Effect of Irrigation on Soil, Soil Pollution and Remediation, Soil and Plant Growth, Soil Organic Matter, Humus - Fractionation of Organic Matter, Organic Matter, Humus, Humate, Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid and Humin, Soil Erosion, Constituents in Soils, Soil Structure and Plant Growth. Graduate students, scientists and professionals, from a wide variety of disciplines and others who deal with the nature, processes and use of soil will have access to essential information and be directed to pertinent specialized literature.