Climate Change & its Impacts
S. Jeevananda Reddy
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Mikrobiologie
The principal objective of this book is to put the science of climate change in the right perspective and help people of all walks of life. At present governments are looking at climate change as a monster created by anthropogenic greenhouse gases, a false alarm created by vested groups. In light of this, the book has addressed to remove ambiguities relating to the use of words like “global warming” and “climate change” on the one hand and on the other hand discussed their role on Nature. At present several agencies are misleading the education system and governments on the subject matter. This book provides a practical guide to students and as well to planners on the ground realities of the science of climate change; and thus it is useful as reference manual. This can be seen from the way the book is divided.
Chapter 1 General Issues of Climate Change
Chapter 2 Impact of Global Warming: Ground Realities
Chapter 3 Natural Variability: Ground Realities
Chapter 4 Impacts of Climate Change: Ground Realities
Chapter 5 Summary and Conclusions
Dr. Sazzala Jeevananda Reddy is an Agrometeorologist got post-graduation in Geophysics & Applied Statistics with the advanced training in Meteorology & Oceanography and numerical weather prediction. Dr. Reddy got his Ph.D. in Agricultural Meteorology from the “The Australian National University”, Canberra. Dr. Reddy has a wide experience in the field of Agrometeorology and Agroclimatology while working in several national and international institutions/organizations within and outside India. Dr. Reddy served Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO] as Expert & World Meteorological Organization [WMO] as Chief Technical Advisor.
The author is one of the few scientists who started his carrier in the science of Climate Change as back as early 1970s. Dr. Reddy carried out analysis using observed meteorological data series over different parts of the globe. Using findings from such studies, Dr. Reddy presented concept of adopting agriculture in long-term agriculture planning in the semi-arid tropics. In this direction Dr. Reddy brought out several reports & books to educate the World Community; and published scientific articles in national and international journals and as well presented at several national and international conferences in the fields of the Earth & the Atmospheric sciences that includes geophysics, geomagnetism, agroclimatology, Agrometeorology and related issues. Reddy also contributed popular articles to daily news papers and magazines. The few important books contributed by Dr. Reddy are:
Reddy, S.J., 1993: 'Agroclimatic/Agrometeorological Techniques: As applicable to Dry-land Agriculture in developing countries',, & Google Books, 205p book review appeared in Agric. For. Meteorol., 67:325-327 [1994].
Gupta, R.K. & Reddy, S.J. (eds.), 1999: 'Advanced Technologies in Meteorology', 549p, Tata McGraw-Hill Publ. Comp. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
Reddy, S.J., 2002: 'Dry-land Agriculture of India: An Agroclimatological and Agrometeorological perspective', 429p, BS Publications, Hyderabad, India
Reddy, S.J. 2008 & 2010: 'Climate Change: Myths & Realities', 176p & 114p, and Google Books.
Reddy, S.J. 2011: '”Green” Green Revolution: Agriculture in the perspective of Climate Change”, 160 p, & Google Books.
Reddy, S.J., 2016: 'Irrigation and Irrigation Projects in India: Tribunals, Disputes and Water Wars Perspective', 154p, BS Publications, Hyderabad, India.