A Doll's House
Henrik Ibsen
Ratgeber / Familie
Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House is a groundbreaking play that explores the complexities of marriage, individuality, and gender roles in 19th-century society. The story follows Nora Helmer, a seemingly content wife and mother, as she begins to question her life within the confines of a stifling domestic existence. As secrets unravel and tensions rise, Nora faces a profound personal awakening that leads her to make a bold decision that challenges the norms of her time. This powerful drama delves into themes of self-empowerment, freedom, and the cost of maintaining appearances, making it a timeless piece of modern realism.
Personal awakening, Domestic life, Social norms, Individualism, Gender roles, Self-discovery, Moral conflict, Transformation., Patriarchy, 19th-century society, Freedom vs. confinement, Realism, Female empowerment, Marriage dynamics, Identity