My Bondage and My Freedom

Frederick Douglass

ca. 1,03

Double9 Books img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Romanhafte Biographien


My Bondag? and My Fr??dom, author?d by th? l?g?ndary abolitionist and form?r ?nslav?d p?rson Fr?d?rick Douglass, is a pow?rful autobiographical account that chronicl?s his r?markabl? journ?y from bondag? to fr??dom. This s?minal work is a poignant t?stam?nt to Douglass's unwav?ring commitm?nt to justic? and ?quality. Th? narrativ? b?gins with Douglass's ?arly lif? as a slav? on a Maryland plantation, wh?r? h? ?ndur?d th? brutaliti?s and d?humanizing conditions of slav?ry. Through his t?nacious pursuit of knowl?dg? and ?ducation, Douglass ?v?ntually ?scap?s to th? North, wh?r? h? b?com?s a promin?nt figur? in th? abolitionist mov?m?nt. In My Bondag? and My Fr??dom, Douglass not only shar?s his p?rsonal story but also provid?s critical insights into th? broader issu?s of rac?, slav?ry, and th? struggl? for fr??dom. H? ?loqu?ntly cond?mns th? hypocrisy of a nation that ?spous?s lib?rty whil? condoning slav?ry. Douglass's narrativ? is a comp?lling ?xploration of id?ntity, s?lf-discov?ry, and th? ?nduring fight for justic?. H? ?mphasiz?s th? transformativ? pow?r of ?ducation and th? importanc? of s?lf-?mancipation. His work s?rv?s as a b?acon of hop? and inspiration for g?n?rations, chall?nging r?ad?rs to confront th? injustic?s of th? past and work towards a mor? ?quitabl? futur?.

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Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass
