Plant Systematic And Biotechnology : Challenges And Opportunities
H. K. Chourasia, D. P. Mishra
Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Biologie
The knowledge of plant systematics is useful in understanding flora at fundamental taxonomic, structural, functional and metabolic level since it gives a comprehensive and complete information based on biological classification of plants. Each plant is assigned a proper position in the hierarchy of flora, with checkpoints and filters to store useful information and keep some in storage. Plant improvisation in terms of modifications or introduction of altogether new features can be done using modern biotechnological techniques based on tissue culture, molecular biology, enzymology, fermentation, plant breeding and genetics, microbiology etc. for improved plant growth, better adaptation and survival, crop yield in terms of improved disease and climate change resistance etc., converting plant bioresources into dynamic bioreactors which can become sources of useful metabolites, compounds, drugs, enzymes, vaccines etc. In addition new hybrid varieties with improved features can be developed after focusing upon plant species amenable to genetic manipulation. Large information thus generated can be interpreted through predictive-modeling studies and bio-informatic tools can be utilized for analyzing data generated spatially and temporally over the years. The UGC and BCST sponsored National Conference held during November 28-30, 2017 at P. G. Department of Biotechnology, T. M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur has focused on urgent issues related to historical prospective, challenges and opportunities, methods in restoring the validity, recent advances and future prospects of research in plant systematics and biotechnology have been compiled in the present form of the Proceedings. Each paper has been written in lucid scientific manner, following guidelines of standard research journals with adequate number of tables, figures, graphs and latest references. Development of transgenic plants, emerging technologies for crop improvement and statistical computing in bio-statistics with SPSS have been discussed in detail. The present book will prove useful to the research scholars and scientists of the various disciplinces in their ongoing research activities.