Applied Veterinary Science (International Encyclopaedia of Applied Science and Technology: Series)
Arun Kumar Singh
This publication provides readers with an introduction to applied veterinary science, its fields and select veterinary schools. The subject areas of livestocks, pets, animal chaplains, hoardings, domesticated animal, captivity breeding and testing are covered. Special focus lies on zoological medicine, veterinary anesthesia, working animal, service animal, and use of anesthesia in applied veterinary science. Contents: Introduction to Applied Veterinary Science; Introductory Overview of Select Veterinary Schools; Towards Understanding a Veterinarian: Select Case Studies; Livestocks, Pets, Animal Chaplains, Hoardings, Captivity Breeding and Testing; Organ Replacement in Animals, Role of Animal Health Informatics and Pharmacology; Focus on Equus, Equine Anatomy, Domestication and Evolution of a Domesticated Animal; Focus on Zoological Medicine, Veterinary Anesthesia, Sea Otter, Bovinae and Canidae; Special Focus on Working Animal and Service Animal: Focus on Use of Dermatology and Medical Imaging; Relevance of Ethology and Anesthesia in Applied Veterinary Science.