Мученичество Апостола Павла
Массімо Серретті, Massimo Serretti
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Religion/Theologie
This essay narrates the martyrdom of the apostle Paul and is unfolded in the interlacement of two threads: the one is historical-narrative and the other is theological-meditative. The narration approaches the argument with the imagination and the affection to the simple but involving concreteness, to the places, to the people, to the stories that Paul met in his journey. This also makes his biography and what the Lord has wanted to operate through the apostle colorful and tasteful. The theological meditation that he gives us in his epistolary and that we draw from the writings of Luca gives sense and order to every concrete detail.To do this the Author refers to a base of recent specialized studies and resources, but the result is linear and accessible to everybody.