If your life were a movie ...
Trine Breum
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Fotografie, Film, Video, TV
I once met a psychologist who had a passion for movies. We spoke among other things, about dramatic structure. I asked him how it is possible for us to continually watch movies based on essentially the same blueprint without being bored to death. The therapist glanced at a diagram of the classical three-act-structure typifying most movies and said; "Because the process is basically the same as you experience in therapy, and exactly here", he said as he pointed to the crucial midpoint af the classic movie, "is the point when most people experience an overwhelming urge to quit therapy, rather than crossing the point of no return and facing their problems. In movies however, one inevitably struggles through to the bitter end - otherwise there would be no story to tell" ...
movie analysis, Shrek, scriptwriting, movies, psychology