Silence Behind Noise
Sanjay K Verma
Ratgeber / Lebensführung, Persönliche Entwicklung
Life is full of stress, now-a-days. It is swinging between sorrow and pleasure. Sometimes it is full of fun & frolic and most of times it is of anxiety. Everybody is worried: students, homemakers, working people, businessmen, and so on, due to various reasons; thus engaged in number of activities in order to escape pain. Whether the activities are giving us permanent relief? How can we overcome? Is there any tailor-made system for the way out from this jail of life?This book gives every support in such situation. It focuses on the basic cause of stress.This book is full of life tuitions which guides to understand your false self and once false self is understood, eternity comes in. Words can only describe, but a thing which is beyond description needs different dimension. This book explains, unless we cross the river of false self, which is our ego mode operation of mind, we can't meet the true self. For this, we need to understand the mind and its border line. This observation brings new facet and you can see the seer & the scene. Aim of the book - The Silence Behind Noise - is to spread the message of truth and help mankind in attaining inner peace, thereby making world a place of nonviolence. The language of the book has been kept simple and easy-to-understand.A must-read book for everyone.