Quick Guide for Creating, Selling and Buying Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
Sachbuch / Geld, Bank, Börse
An NFT (non-fungible "non-interchangeable") token) simply represents ownership of an asset. Before choosing an NFT marketplace, you'll first want to decide the kind of digital asset you're interested in buying, selling, or creating. Just about anything digital -- the written word, videos, video games, art, collectors' items, etc. -- can be tokenized on a blockchain. Another consideration is the type of tokens supported on a marketplace. NFT marketplaces are your path to start investing in digital assets, collectibles, and art, but there are lots of options out there. Be sure to choose one that suits your buying and storage needs based on the type of NFT you're after and the crypto you're interested in using for transactions. This is a new industry and is highly speculative. The value of digital art and collectibles works much the same as physical art and collectibles: Value is subjective and determined by factors such as uniqueness and the reputation of the artist who made it. I know what you're thinking, why would anyone pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a photo or video when they can only upload it? But it's just like real art, the copy of the photo is not the original! NFT is different because you get ownership of that piece of art when you buy it, otherwise you might be violating some copyright laws. Opensea.io is the most common online marketplace for non-fungible tokens. The report includes the following parts: 1.What is NFT?? 2. Can't just upload the digital assets instead of buying them on NFT??? 3. Some NFT marketplaces. 4. Using Opensea.io to sell and buy NFT assets. 5. Creating and minting NFT assets in OpenSea.io. 6. How to create and sell NFT on Binance NFT Marketplace. 7. How to create and sell NFT on Gate.io NFT Marketplace. 8. How to create and sell NFT on FTX.US NFT Marketplace. 9. Example on selling NFT assets on OpeanSea.io. 10. References.
Cryptocurrency, Trading, Buy NFT, NFT, OpenSea.io, Binance, Exchange, FTX.US, Gate.io, Electronic Commerce, Create NFT, Non-Fungible Token, Blockchain, Sell NFT