The 90-Day Bodyweight Challenge for Men
Julian Galinski, Mark Lauren
Ratgeber / Fitness, Aerobic, Bodybuilding, Gymnastik
The 90-Day Bodyweight Challenge for Men is one of the most efficient and successful fitness plans of our time. You can finally achieve your fitness goals and make lasting positive change in your life with this step-by-step program. Millions of people across around the globe train using Mark Lauren's proven formula, which harnesses the power of your own body via bodyweight resistance. There's no need for fancy equipment or expensive gym memberships. With this book, you can work out any time, any place. This new intensive program is even easier to follow and specially designed to give you maximum results in just three months. You don't need to research exercises and put together a training plan by yourself: each day, The 90-Day Bodyweight Challenge for Men tells you exactly what to do. It also provides you with a tailored diet plan and lifestyle tips from fitness guru and bestselling author Mark Lauren. Now it's up to you! In just 90 days, you will be astonished at the difference bodyweight training, proper nutrition, and a winning attitude can make to your body and your life.
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