Cosmic Sacred Geometry
Gabriele S. Bodmer
Ratgeber / Altes Wissen, Alte Kulturen
Light-Language comes from a lineage of Curanderos, Mexican Shamans whose countless pioneering methods of energy work are rooted in Mayan and Aztec traditions. It is a language of Cosmic Sacred Geometry and colors, as well as a manifestation technique. When we work with Light-Language, we put together certain forms of Geometry into sequences called „Grids.“ Grids can be used for practical issues like finding a new job, but also for mental or emotional issues like increasing self-esteem. Light Language goes beyond an „order“ to the universe. Since every existence, every being is based on Cosmic Geometry, its leads us into spiritual dimensions to which we would not find access so quickly and easily without it. The study of the forms alone opens high spiritual realms for us. By dealing with Light Language our personal evolution deepens and accelerates on all levels. This book gives a profound insight into Light Language and its meta- physical foundations. It also contains 36 Light Language Grids.
geometric symbolic language, Aztecs, dimensions, Mayas, biophoton, Light Language Grids, wisdom, personal evolution, reality, consciousness, transformation, color, SCC (Shape-Color-Combination), shamanic, Curanderos, form, universe, Create, energy transmission, language of the Divine, higher self, Activation of the 12-strand DNA, ancient wisdom, Highest Good