The sea is my home
Jan Stremmel, Nathalie Pohl
Polyglott, ein Imprint von GRÄFE UND UNZER Verlag GmbH
Reise / Reiseberichte, Reiseerzählungen
A woman and the world's toughest swimming challenge: Ocean's Seven – alone through the most dangerous straits worldwide: from the English Channel to New Zealand's Cook Strait. After years of training, multiple world record holder Nathalie Pohl has fulfilled her big dream and became the first German woman to swim across all seven straits. She fights her way through marathon distances in the sea for up to 15 hours at a time – against strong currents and high waves, in shark waters, at night in complete darkness. It is the inspiring story of a woman who lives her passion for swimming – whether on the world's oceans or in swimming pools, where she teaches swimming lessons for socially disadvantaged children. Her motto: never give up!
Inspiration, Motivationsbuch, Japan, Europa, Freiwasserschwimmen, Neuseeland, Abenteuerbericht, Diana Nyad, Hawaii, Langstreckenschwimmen, Ärmelkanal, Extremsport, Motivation, Straße von Gibraltar, Extremsportlerin, Nyad, Weltweit, Ocean´s Seven, Schwimmen