Patterns of Policy-oriented Interaction
Fritz W. Scharpf
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Politische Theorien und Ideengeschichte
From the 1960s through to the second decade of the twenty-first century, the eleven essays republished in this volume take us on a journey through the life and academic career of Fritz. W. Scharpf. A new introduction by the author provides an opportunity for contextualization and reflection. Organized chronologically, the essays offer insights into the time they were written, the development of the academic disciplines they represent, and the interplay of continuity and change in the author's research interests. The volume opens with an early publication from the »Yale Law Journal« before addressing a diverse range of themes across organization and policy studies, democracy and multilevel governance, and European integration.
Arbeitslosigkeit, europätische Integration, politische Ökonomie, Förderalismus, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Bund-Länder-Vergleich, vergleichende Politikwissenschaft