How to be German - Part 2: in 50 new steps
Adam Fletcher
Belletristik / Humor, Satire, Kabarett
With his first book, Adam Fletcher helped more than a hundred thousand locals and little Ausländer navigate the quirks of this charismatic land. Now he’s back with fifty new and advanced integration steps that explain the sticky friendship glue of Kaffee and Kuchen, the educational superiority of wood, and the rituals of the German Weihnachtsmarkt. You’ll learn how to blame the weather for most of your ailments, how to survive a visit to your local Baumarkt, why Germans take their kitchen when they move, and why you keep losing to them at table football. Adam Fletcher’s book is the ultimate, irreverent love letter to a nation that has got so under his skin.
Adam Fletcher, Tischfußball, Kultur, Kuchen, Vorurteile, foreigners, Denker, How to be German, Küche, Senf, Dichter, Deutsche, Kaffee, Holzspielzeug, Weihnachtmarkt, Kultbuch, Cliché, Ausländer, Humor, Döner, Integration