Bridging Borders
Assel Bitabar, Sergei Golunov
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Vergleichende und internationale Politikwissenschaft
The open access book analyzes cross-border cooperation (CBC) in Central Asia from a comparative perspective. It provides new insights into four main areas: (1) It highlights international experiences in CBC to identify best practices for Central Asian states; (2) it discusses various policies of Central Asian states towards CBC, specifically those policies that impact Central Asian CBC either positively or negatively; (3) it identifies best practices and actors for successful CBC in Central Asia, including the role of non-governmental entities; (4) it provides recommendations for enhancing Central Asian CBC, drawing upon both international experiences and a thorough analysis of Central Asian contexts.
The authors proceed from the assumption that effective cross-border cooperation is one of the essential conditions for successful regional integration, as it acts as a connective seam between participating states. Unfortunately, at present, no Central Asian country excels in CBC; in every case, CBC is impeded by highly centralized political systems, and lack of funding. To enhance CBC in Central Asia, it is crucial to examine the relevant experiences of other countries and regions, incorporating lessons from both successful and unsuccessful endeavors.
Central Asia, Post-Communist Studies, cross-border cooperation, Empirical Research, Central Asian integration, centralized political systems, Open Access