The EU's Approach to Conflict Analysis in Integrated Conflict Interventions
Kieran Doyle, Sean Mc Gearty
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht, Kriminologie
This book aims to critically examine the European Union’s peacebuilding approach, focusing on integrated conflict analysis, suggesting a new model for conflict analysis within the EU Common Security and Defence Policy. It explores recent interventions while also addressing the need for improved conflict sensitivity. It argues that greater self-reflexivity, and deeper reflection on motivations for intervention plays a critical role within multilateral efforts to address implementation gaps, encourage greater analytical capacity, suggest categories of partnership interaction with other actors and give centrality to the EUs integrated approach, reorienting away from the growing emphasis on securitisation. It is aimed at policy makers and practitioners, asking questions of contemporary analysis frameworks which validate causal pathways and currently provide the basis of the international peace architecture.
Peacebuilding, Multilateral Working, Intervention Missions, EU Global Strategy, Security, War