Trusted White-Collar Defendants
Chander Mohan Gupta, Petter Gottschalk
Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft / Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht, Kriminologie
This book investigates how offenders of white-collar crime misuse legal loopholes in the courtroom. From powerful and corrupt alliances to a tough judicial battle, this volume looks at case studies from across the world to shed light on these matters and others, including:
• How legal systems work when offenders have deep roots and connections
• The courtroom proceedings and how offenders can manipulate the law
• Global case studies supporting recommendations for resolving these issues
The inside-look into the courtroom and accompanying critical analysis make this volume perfect for new graduate scholars, practitioners, and researchers working with perpetrators of white-collar crime.
financial crime offenders and the courtroom, importance of financial crimes in the legal fertinity, long-term courtroom proceedings, Role of law in dealing with financial crimes, highly-respected offendeders and guilt, recurring White Collar Crimes