The Evolution of Complexity
Larry Bull
Springer International Publishing
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Allgemeines, Lexika
This book gathers together much of the author’s work – both old and new - to explore a number of the key increases in complexity seen in the natural world, seeking to explain each of them purely in terms of the features of fitness landscapes. In a very straightforward manner, the book introduces basic concepts to help readers follow the main ideas. By using variations of the NK model and including the concept of the Baldwin effect, the author presents new abstract models that are able to explain why sources of evolutionary innovation (genomes, symbiosis, sex, chromosomes, multicellularity) have been selected for and hence how complexity has increased over time in some lineages.
Evolutionary Innovation, Evolution of Symbiosis, Landscape Ruggedness, Emergence of Dominance, complexity, Fitness Landscape Models, Evolution of Sex, NK Model, Baldwin Effect, Evolution of Mating Types, Model of Coevolution, Symbiogenesis, Evolution of Sex Chromosomes, Evolution of Multicellularity, Evolution of Genome Length, NKCS Model, Eusociality