Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Religion/Theologie
This book is a treasure trove of studies uncovering the truth behind the brainwashing perpetuated by Christian lies. It is a valuable resource for learning truths not taught within Christianity and for guiding you onto the path of salvation. Once Yahweh fills a person with His Spirit, which grants salvation, there is no such thing as backsliding. His Spirit is poured out again, and the truth is taught before the Tribulation Period and His return at the end of it. No one can be judged without hearing the whole truth and having the opportunity for salvation. Yahweh has made a way for everyone to hear the full truth, whether they died after Constantine's 11th Roman Emperor persecution, never having heard the truth with salvation available, up to the Papacy's 7-Year Peace Plan. Those still alive during the Peace Plan will also have the opportunity at that time.
Through this book, you will discover that, despite what was done to Yahweh's Word, enough truth remains for people to find their way to Him and His salvation. However, salvation is not available to anyone today, dating back to Constantine's time. Only through Yahweh's love and mercy does He desire all men to receive vi salvation, though the scriptures make it clear this will not happen due to individual choice.
Christianity deception, truth vs lies, True biblical history, End times prophecy book, biblical history, Constantine and Christianity