Hazing Aging
Robert Buckingham
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
Hazing Aging, How Capillary Endothelia Control inflammation and Aging, is a one of a kind book as it explains how everyday lifestyle choices can make or break the capacity of capillary cells to manage the interstitial spaces of every end organ in the body. If it succeeds the interstitial space remains free of free radical encumbrances and reduces the risk for chronic interstitial space inflammation to rear its ugly head. This in turn will translate into improved interstitial space hygiene, optimal end organ cell function, and less risk for all types of disease venues to find a home within the signal compromised end organ.
chronic interstitial space inflammation, anti-aging, Capillary endothelia, anti-inflammatory lifestyles, disease prevention, vascular inflammatory risk factors/free radicals, Aging coefficient