Children Do Come with a Manual
Elizabeth Len Wai
Ratgeber / Familie
We wrote this book as a companion to our book on parenting to encourage parents and potential parents to daily use the Bible as a manual for the guidance and wisdom required in raising a child into a follower of Christ Jesus and a productive successful adult, as well as our manual for living a full, joyful and productive life while here on this earth in preparation for an eternal life with Him after his return.
A friend of mine told me that in his opinion the Bible is; Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, that has stuck in my mind, and I like that prospective even more as I unpack all of the information the scriptures reveal to me.
Unlike most manuals this one tells us how it all started, what the intent was, what happened to change things from the initial intent, our history of rebellion, and what will have to be done to restore both us and this earth to its intended state and purpose.
RELIGION, Elizabeth Len Wai, Christian Living, FAMILY &, Parenting, raising Christian children, manual for parents, RELATIONSHIPS, Children Do Come with a Manual: It is the Bible