Crossing the Threshold; Embracing the Call Conceptualizing, Co-Creating and Building Community Through Rites of Passage
Kamau Ptah
Ratgeber / Familie
Crossing the Threshold; Embracing the Call: Conceptualizing, Co-Creating and Building Community
Through Rites of Passage is an important and seminal work that guides a new generation of educators,
mentors, and Rites of Passage facilitators through timeless pillars, concepts, and frameworks on coming
of age rituals for African American and Indigenous boys. The book contextualizes transformational initiation experiences
that have occurred in their personal lives and provides the tools for designing passages for future
generations. It provides the foundation for the harvesting of affirmative identity, sacred gifts, and the
actualization of one's Divine purpose by restoring sacred and timeless African rituals for optimal levels of
community building. Crossing the Threshold represents a lifelong journey of Kamau Ptah's passages,
coupled with thirty years of professional experiences conceptualizing, designing, implementing, co-
creating, and facilitating rites of passage in every community he has served worldwide.
Kamau Ptah, Traditions, crossing the threshold, rites of passage, family, young boys, Education