Don't Sing Happy Birthday
Joni Brown
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
Joni Brown's life was turned upside down when her daughter, out of nowhere, began having epileptic seizures at sixteen months and was diagnosed with autism at age five. Two books in one; first part memoir of raising her child with special needs with stories from medical mayhem heartaches to overcoming challenges with humor. Second part has parenting tips, offering first-hand practical advice and invaluable suggestions.
You'll learn
• First-hand stories from a mom who lives it
• What new parents can expect in this special life
• How to be your child's strongest advocate
Don't Sing Happy Birthday is a beacon of hope, encouraging parents to shift their mindsets, become strong advocates, and find the support they need to be the best possible caregivers and cheerleaders for their children living with extra needs. Joni Brown's heartfelt message is clear: You're not alone on this journey, and together, we can conquer the challenges and celebrate the beauty in our special lives.
drug, autism, seizure, therapy, EEG, Caregivers, medical, disorders, guarianship, support, team