Pat Parsons
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
This book is a depicture of the life of a young man and the many pleasurable events that
he made sure took place in the time allotted to him by "God's" great gift of life. Even as a young
child he made it a priority to enjoy every second of every happening. Whether they be good or
bad never became the decision-maker as to how long an event would last. Especially if it were
something he had experienced before. One thing he had learned and become very familiar with at
quite a young age was if given the time and attention something bad could be turned into something
good. At a very young age, his mindset was bad is no fun. Knowing he was born for fun, in his
younger years he spent a lot of time turning bad into good. Eventually, with "God's" help, he got
it all under control and was able to live a life that most people could only dream of. Knowing one
day he would be granted the opportunity to enlighten others on the importance of living a life of
happiness, he took notes and made tapes of the different situations and conversations about the
events taking place in his wonderful life. By drawing from his world of afterglow and with the help
of his memoirs he has been able to relive a fresh lifetime of exposure. Conveying sometimes blow-
by-blow description to the actual events of his life. By doing so he provided a tantalizer to interest
that created the desire for continued reading. As you are taking your, sometimes shockingly
unusual, literary journey through the tangled tales as they unravel and form the life of this young
man. One would be well advised to keep an open mind while remembering silence is no friend to
a writer's pen.