Help God, I Am - The Collection
Cheryl Travis
Ratgeber / Gesundheit
I have compiled the 7-volume collection of the Help God Series in this book. I wrote these books to create a tool to manage our emotions as our emotions can rule our decisions, moods, and, if untamed, our entire life. Our emotions of fear, anger, hurt, loss, confusion, sadness, and loneliness can immobilize our creativity, cloud our vision, joy, direction, and most importantly, our peace. We will discuss our out-of-control emotions and how to conquer them. This book is designed to assist and support your journey to fulfill God's design and purpose for your life. My prayer is that using the information contained, including the scriptures within and my transparent testimonies, will open personal revelation to destroy the emotional roadblocks that we all encounter that frustrate our purpose so that clarity of thought and victorious living prevails.
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