Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur
Two psychiatrists, a father, and daughter provide their patients an immersion to the bottom of the ocean. Three patients, a landscape artist, a musician, and a lawyer receive treatment in the deep-sea globoid, but there occur collisions three times, with a giant monster shark, a great jellyfish, and a gigantic squid.
At the seaport city of Porto Lago, Dr. Maltem Cacao and his daughter Data have begun a new system of psychotherapy to deal with neuroses and personality problems and conflicts. They take their patients down to the bottom of the ocean in a submersible they call their Psycho-Globe.
Three patients, a landscape painter named Oego Biffen, a musician named Capricia Depone, and a lawyer named Nogo Jatist are followed through their treatment and submarine voyages. The patients travel through the Sunlight Zone, the Twilight Zone, the Midnight Zone, and the Abyss of the Bottom. The enemy of the Cacaos is the Director of the Porto Lago Hospital, Dr. Bren Fetch, who attempts to explode and destroy the PsychoGlobe with a remote bomb. The patients experience ocean attacks by a Megalodon Giant Shark, a monster jellyfish, and a one-ton squid.
adventure, sci-fi novel, fiction