Reading and Writing Strategies for the Secondary Social Studies Classroom in a PLC at Work®
Katherine A. N. Gillies, Daniel M. Argentar, Brian R. Wise, et al.
Schule und Lernen / Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen
Prepare middle school and high school students to read, write, and think like social studies experts and historians. Part of the Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series, this resource details how grades 6–12 teachers can work together to support literacy development and social studies learning. Explore how to develop collaborative teams, differentiate instruction, design meaningful common assessments, and more.
Use this resource to address large literacy gaps that require the support of all content-area teachers:
- Recognize the need for and benefits of literacy development in social studies classrooms.
- Learn why collaboration among different content-area teams in a professional learning community (PLC) can enhance reading and writing instructional strategies.
- Foster student engagement by utilizing adaptable strategies for developing prereading, during-reading, and postreading skills in social studies.
- Apply strategies for writing development in social studies.
- Obtain tools and techniques for designing meaningful assessments that align with social studies standards and literacy goals of secondary education.
Introduction: Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher
Chapter 1: Collaboration, Learning, and Results
Chapter 2: Foundational Literacy Triage
Chapter 3: Prereading
Chapter 4: During Reading
Chapter 5: Postreading
Chapter 6: Writing
Chapter 7: Assessment
Appendix: Reproducibles