Neema Wants to Learn
Jo Meserve Mach, Vera Lynne Stroup-Rentier
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Sachbücher / Sachbilderbücher
<p><b><i>"What a wonderful introduction to the Finding My World Series! Children will love to see their interests reflected in this story and the photos from other parts of the world."<b>- Becky Drews, MS.Ed Special Education<i><p>
<p>In <b><i>Neema Wants to Learn<b><i>, a girl with learning disabilities shares how she likes to learn all day long. She introduces you to Mama Mdemu and her friend Joseph. Delightful photographs capture her interactions and activities as her day in an orphanage in Tanzania progresses.<p>
<p>Neema tricks Joseph, helps Mama Mdemu, and helps care for the younger children. It's great fun to discover her favorite games and a fun coconut song she sings<p>.
<p>Neema inspires us to learn throughout our day as we participate in our daily activities even if learning something new is difficult.<p>
<p><i>By sharing Neema's story we celebrate Neema's many strengths and abilities. Neema has learning disabilities.<i><p>
Tanzania, handicapped, differently-abled, girl, orphan, Africa, disability visibility, special needs, true stories, learning disabilities, disabilities, real people, Disability children's books