God is in the Little Things
Patricia Brooks
Sacred Stories Publishing, LLC
Ratgeber / Sammeln, Sammlerkataloge
Come view our world through a different lens; a lens that reveals our Oneness.
Patricia Brooks has had some unusual encounters with different animals. Some were scary, some were awe-inspiring, almost all of them were startling, and none of them were invited. At first, she thought these encounters were strange but ultimately random. As the number of animals Patricia came across increased, she was forced to reassess the phenomenon. These could not be chance occurrences. Patricia was not running into them; these animals were visiting her instead. Upon reflection and self discovery, Patricia realized that the animals, acting as animal totems, were Divine communication and had great meaning for her. Join Patricia on her true emotional journey from great sadness to finding joy through understanding her true spiritual Self.
animals, spiritual journey, animal totems, God, self discovery, spiritual